Starbucks? Small? What?

Many, many trends permeate society. Skinny jeans, skinny ties, and shaggy hair are all popular right now. So are indie bands, small mom and pop stores, and simple, rugged coffeehouses. It seems that the more local and low key a store is, the more trendy it becomes. So how does Starbucks keep in stride with the moods of today and continue to be a hip place where all the “cool” kids want to go despite its largess? I believe there are four contributing factors leading to this:

1. Customer interaction

2. Partner interaction

3. Excellent products

4. Exclusive, yet familiar atmosphere

While I was working on my thesis about Starbucks in the early months of this, I interviewed quite a few customers to see what their thoughts and opinions about the great coffee giant were. The consensus  was about the same…even if the customer didn’t absolutely love the beverages we sell (I’m not saying they disliked them), they came back again and again for the customer service.

Yesterday, I was chatting with a regular named Mike about what makes Starbucks so successful. Although I didn’t write down a direct quote, his words were along these lines: “Why do I come in every day? Why do hundreds of people come in every day? Because you guys are great. You’re phenominal. Plus,” Mike added while tipping his Venti DoubleShot on Ice, “you’ve got quite a superior product.”

See, Starbucks baristas are trained to provide the best customer service possible in the best ways possible. For example, each of us strives to learn customers not only by drink, but by name (it’s pretty neat to be able to start drinks for customers who we see walking towards the store from across the street).

Starbucks employees, or partners, are also encouraged to develop excellent rapport with each other. Everyone is encouraged to congratulate and praise one another for things done well while gently admonishing each other for substandard performances.  This creates a more harmonious group that loves working together and opens the door for seamless, flowing teamwork. Small cards are available to give to distinguish fellow partners when they perform exceedingly well. These cards include (but are not limited to) recognition for being involved in the community, welcoming in stores, and knowledgeable about our products.

As stated above, the third reason Starbucks continues to excell is due to its superior products. All the beans we use are carefully selected, with each department ensuring that every batch is up to standards from the time the coffee is harvested to the time it enters the bags that are shipped to stores. Baristas are trained, tested, and continuously monitored to verify that the beverages they are making not only meet, but exceed standards.

Finally, whether you’re in New York, New Jersey, California, or Idaho, when you go to Starbucks, you know what they’ll have. Each store has its own unique personality, style, and flair, but the products sold are virtually all the same. This creates a certain comfortable association with Starbucks, especially while you are traveling or in an unfamiliar area. I know I’ve gotten lost in personally uncharted territory and, upon entering a Starbucks, feel at ease and more settled. I’ve also been told similar things by customers from all over the world. Additionally, being able to recognize Starbucks’ products no matter where you go gives you a sense of belonging to the company. You literally feel as if you are part of a community connected by a love of coffee and delicious food.

On an ending side note, tomorrow is my first shift as a supervisor. Needless to say, I’m ridiculously excited and psyched.

Published in: on August 21, 2009 at 2:18 am  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Love your stories. I so relate. Where’s your store. I’m in LC. Love it. If you need shift advise call our store 3374743358

  2. I went to a Starbucks in PA (or was it NJ??) that had only 1 barista. Service wasn’t as fast as it would’ve been with more, but man, he was as fast as he could be. And nice, so we didn’t hate him so much for the long wait. haha.

    You’re going to be a super-supervisor!

  3. Cindy…I’m in Brooklyn, NY…it’s great and ridiculously fast paced here, but that makes it even better!

    Britt—you don’t know how glad it makes me to hear of a good barista. I love ones that work fast and hard and are friendly! Were your drinks good? Yesterday, I had to help 16 people in a half hour by myself and I made about 30-35 drinks while ringing them up 🙂 It’s a lot of fun to be challenged like that.

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