Why is DUMBO special?

I think it’s pretty fascinating and amazing that in such a large city, you can find such a small, tightly knit community. As I’m writing this, my seat is the concrete and my chair back is the outside wall of Starbucks. People pass by and I recognize nearly all of them. Even if I don’t, they will nod, acknowledge my presence, and even….smile.

Yes, DUMBO is a very atypical place in New York and I love it for that reason. A regular just walked by and gave me a high five. A Russian tourist just asked me for directions onto the Brooklyn Bridge. A fly keeps persistently flying around me. Well, the last part isn’t so great, but I’m glad I work in a community where people are meaningful to other people.

My break is over…I’ll post about the drinks later!

Published in: on July 24, 2009 at 3:00 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. […] Why Dumbo is Special – Jim from SBUX, 24Jul09, baristajim […]

  2. i’ll have my iced caramel macchiato today with a packet of utopian thought, please.

    you’re cute, jimmy.

  3. I like Dumbo. It’s one of those odd places where everyone is cool and there are no people over the age of 50. Kind of like Children of the Corn. Also, I like the free movie night. 🙂

    Btw, Jim, you have to be fair and check out my blog too. The link is right there so take a look. Keep up writing yours consistently, it’s really funny and cool.

  4. dumbo is awesome…. as are caramel macchiatos!!! i want to hear about them!

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