There’s a sleeper cell in my latte…

Matcha, essentially, is powdered green tea. Matcha is very useful for mixing with milk or cream base to make “delicious” lattes and frappuccinos. However, what happens when BaristaJim is subjected to this fluffy, green substance? He gets sick. Very sick. I’m not talking about a little sniff here, a little sniff there. I’m referring to sore, debilitating, closing throats.

Thus, what happens when somebody orders a Strawberry Banana Matcha Vivanno? I find myself handing out a drink trying not to fall on my knees while groping around blindly for some Benadryl. Besides, there’s just something about mixing green tea with strawberry and banana that doesn’t sound appealing to me, even if it weren’t a sleeper cell.

Maybe it’s just the matcha fumes playing tricks on my mind, but I’m starting to believe there’s a bounty on my head. Someone even ordered a Banana Chocolate Vivanno with matcha. There’s just so much holding my breath I can do while making drinks, DUMBO.

Published in: on July 14, 2009 at 3:29 am  Comments (2)  

The First….

I’m usually perplexed as what to write when I start a new website, blog, homepage, or the like. Thus, instead of permitting my thoughts to meander around, I will hone them in and focus them on all things coffee.

You see, working at Starbucks presents the simultaneous blessing and curse of working with the public. It offers a venue for great conversations, connections, and networking. However, it also makes this barista vulnerable to many conjectures about something he’s devoted a year and a half to perfecting. It also opens the door to many questions and answers such as, “I didn’t order a grande latte!!!” “Well, that’s not your drink then.”

Real life scenario (let’s suppose the customer’s name is Sam):

BaristaJim is making several drinks one moderately busy afternoon and places a fresh drink on the handoff platform.

BaristaJim: “Are you waiting for a caramel macchiato,sir?”
Sam: “Yes.”
B: “Well, here you go!”
S: “Ok, thanks.”
*Sam briefly leaves, takes a sip, then returns*
S: “Is this a caramel macchiato?”
B: “Yes, sir, it is.”
*Sam looks a little shocked and places the drink back on the handoff platform. A few more seconds go by and I inquire as to what Sam is waiting for.*
S: “I’m waiting for a caramel macchiato.”
B: “Well, that’s it right there.” (Pointing to the same drink)
S: “Oh, ok. Thanks!”

More stories, taste reviews, and reports of strange happenings to come.

Published in: on July 13, 2009 at 3:34 pm  Comments (8)